The un-censored Crook discussions.

A haven for those that want to voice their opinions about Michael Crook without his editing.

I’m Flattered, really I am…

Posted by josejump on December 10, 2007

First of all Mikey, I am flattered that you would read my blog.

Second of all, I appreciate the DMCA notice… now I feel complete… it actually cements my Theory into fact, that he is a one trick pony… squalks about innocent people and tries to exploit the emotions of their family, and then when the going gets tough… out come the DMCA notices.

Seriously, this guy is amazing! How do you do it.. wake up at what, 10 or 11 am, roll over and ask your wife to move because she is blocking the light from the Motel window… get up, hop on your rentway computer and look at all the comments that people have left you. Delete them, then write some supporting ones for yourself.

Then what… revise your sorry book…again?

Surf the net looking for tragic stories… write about them, hoping to get someone upset… then take a break to worship at the porcelain throne where you pay homage to Fred Phelps, the only person that is as daft as you, only he is infinitely better, because he actually shows up.

Then you check the blogs that have exposed you again and again… Well, I am honored. You are one of the HUNDREDS of people that visit my blog each day. One of the hundreds that know what a fraud, and a coward you are.

You join the ranks of the daily HUNDREDS that now know how you faked deaths, faked adresses, and faked fatherhood. Sillygoose must sure love you and how smart you are… what a woman to follow you around, even after you tried to cheat on her. Even after you (and I love this part) send a DMCA take-down notice for a picture of your penis that you sent to someone in an IM chat…. THAT was AWESOME!!!

Thanks again for visiting my humble blog… I am honored that you would think so much of my writing that you would send me a notice… I was wondering when one of those would show up.

In honor of your daily visits, I would like to share with the world, your ode to the mall workers.

“The lost revenue during this season is one thing to consider. Also, does the store want its employees deaths to be for naught? They didn’t ask or deserve to die, but they died doing what retail employees do: providing customer service to ungrateful, arrogant, ill-bred customers.” 

Hopefully that temp job holds out long enough for you to make the room payment just in time for Christmas…

(Quote used without permission from Michael Scott Crook Vogel Delaney.)

16 Responses to “I’m Flattered, really I am…”

  1. emilyjanepearson said

    Bravo! You did the world a favor exposing Crook’s stupidity while protecting us from having to go to his site directly. I’ll be looking forward to seeing more of you competent summaries in the near future.

    Keep up the good work.

  2. mamafox said

    So tell me Jose,

    Are you going to print and frame it? lmao

  3. P said

    What did he notice you for? I have not seen you post anything that would violate any actual or imagined copyright of Crook’s.

    Did the notice conform with the terms of his EFF/10 Zen Monkeys settlement? The EFF settlement prevents him from sending DMCA unless he follows rigid procedures.

    I am very curious to know the details. Your boy may have stumbled into some serious trouble, yet again.

  4. lonniewalker said

    I think you may be right P. I believe they said he couldn’t file another DMCA for 5 years after the lawsuit. He is probably violating the terms of his settlement with the EFF.

    Apparantly, Michael is too stupid to understand that blogs are public in nature. They are not copywritable material. A blog is the equivalent of giving a public speach. Guess premium boy will find that out when he get’s owned again.

    Lonnie Walker
    Abilene, Texas

  5. princemegajedi said

    funny thing is I commented on the serving arogent etc. people. I said simpley “Wow they provided service to you” wonder why he deleted it. And yes Mike. Your blog is not copywritable. I cant wait to see the bill you pay for your supposed copyrite.

  6. P said

    Actually, Crook’s writings on his blog are probably subject to copyright. However, that does not mean you can’t quote from his blog, or use portions of it for criticism, satire, scholarship, review or other legitimate purposes.

    Again, I would like to know what the DMCA notice was for and whether Crook followed the requirements imposed on him as a result of his serial abuse of the DMCA. If he has again abused the DMCA, you may want to drop a line to EFF and 10 Zen Monkeys so they can slap him up some more. Also, you will want to transmit a copy of the settlement to your host.

  7. lonniewalker said

    Hmmm I wonder how that works. I mean when I submit a music score for copywrite service. I have to mail it off to DC and they put a date stamp on it and from that point on it’s a copywrite. He can’t do that with his blog.

    Lonnie Walker
    Abilene, Texas

  8. EFK said

    You should just blatantly copy every one of his posts and post them here, so we don’t have to visit his site. That would REALLY piss him off 🙂

  9. princemegajedi said

    how about we have the guy he complained about today (the elderly gentleman) run him over.

  10. lonniewalker said

    I got a better idea. We should send Crook over to the guys neighbor’s house. *Laughing*

    Lonnie Walker
    Abilene, Texas

  11. Mama Fox said

    Speaking of his *fatherhood*.

    It is possible now with the new law out for CPS, that any children he has in the future will and can be taken by the state.

  12. lonniewalker said

    I’d think that they would take any kids he had. Him having kids would be a tramatizing experience for the poor kid. Imagine the poor kid actually knowing who his daddy is? The kid would have to constantly go to his friends house to play because he wouldn’t want to show his friends that he lives in a pig stye. Not only that but the kid would need life long therapy.

    Lonnie Walker
    Abilene, Texas

  13. emilyjanepearson said

    Maybe someone will do the world a favor and castrate him. No more kids. No problem.

  14. dancnkc said

    This was a fine piece of research. Especially beginning bloggers like me….who had no idea of what this man…. er…. boy ……er…..whatever you want to call him…. is capable of.

    Thank you.

  15. emilyjanepearson said

    It occurs to me to wonder what Mikey would do if someone reprinted the comments from his blog in their entirety? He doesn’t have the copyright, unless, of course, he’s been making them up all along. I’m sure the actual commenters wouldn’t mind having a discussion about the validity of those comments in another forum. Just a thought.

  16. HistoryMakin said

    I think the best thing we could do about this weirdo…is not give him any attention what-so-ever. Let him fade into obscurity and let him wallow in his empty pitiful life. I also think that any sites he owns should not be purchased no matter how vile they may be. Is he an attention whore? Perhaps, but he is also a con-artist trying to make money by selling those provocative domains. Don’t fuel the fire, and he will go away.

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