The un-censored Crook discussions.

A haven for those that want to voice their opinions about Michael Crook without his editing.

Crook Deconstructed…

Posted by josejump on December 27, 2007

Well folks.. it is almost the new year… and we now know a whole lot of things.

1. Michael can’t read.

2. Michael is a bad liar.

3. Michael has the IQ of a garden salad.

4. Michael does in fact work for temp agencies, because he can;t hold down a regular job.

OH the list goes on and on… here is to another year of his pitiful stupidity…

For a full deconstruction of Michael’s year in review, feel free to log into Emily’s Rant, where we deconstruct Michael’s year end achievement piece by piece, word by word, in the safety of privacy where he can not DMCA everyone…

God bless you all, and have a Happy New Year.

39 Responses to “Crook Deconstructed…”

  1. emilyjanepearson said

    Happy happy everyone! IQ of a garden salad, I’ll have to rinse my BB now!

  2. Mama Fox said


    Have you been taking them happy Pills again?

    Good Job on the blog lol

  3. emilyjanepearson said

    Party pooper! ;>)

    Yes, we are experiencing _complete_ freedom of speech.

  4. Mama Fox said

    Party pooper!?

    Me? Never! I was gonna ask you for some. lol

    You’ve seem to be in such a jolly mood since you’ve been on vacation….what ever that is lol

  5. emilyjanepearson said

    Well, of course I’ll share! Actually, it’s our discovery of the DMCA loophole that’s got me so jolly, though. That and all the new discussion members.

  6. princemegajedi said

    I love how the Tard still thinks I am obsessed with Star Wars…lol. While the first 3 were great movies the prequils made me sick. And reading wise I am now enjoying Ann Coulter’s “If Democrats had brain’s, They’d be Republicans”

  7. lonniewalker said

    Well that’s more difficult than Mikey could understand. Ann Coulter uses big words that Mikey would need to constantly use the library’s dictionary to fully understand.

    Lonnie Walker
    Abilene, Texas

  8. princemegajedi said

    that is true, I loved her latest newsletter. Onle thing about her that Mike still does not understand is she uses fact’s. He still does not know what fact’s are.

  9. princemegajedi said

    Pretty soon Mike will not be able to use the internet…

  10. Emily said

    I’m about to leave Mikey’s neck of the woods and head for the Rockies. I’ll have to say that people from Jersey are particularly unattractive. And what is it with that “Jersey hair”??? It’s like stepping onto the set of “Grease”. See y’all on the forum.

  11. princemegajedi said

    lol, His newest blog about the texan’s ends with the mother stammering when questioned by a reporter. Remind anyone of Mike’s interview with Hannity and Colmes.

  12. emilyjanepearson said

    Yes, Prince, Crook is king of the choke as is well illustrated by his posts from the last few weeks.

  13. princemegajedi said

    sad to say I do agree with 1 post of his. There are no good canidates to vote for this time around.

  14. emilyjanepearson said

    I find it hard to get excited about the upcoming election as well. It’s sad not to be fired up about _anyone_.

    I wondered how Mikey was going to back out of the srd radio gig. He claims he got threatening email. More likely he finally came to his senses about appearing with someone who truly loathes him. Oh well, it’s not like anyone was actually looking forward to it.

  15. lonniewalker said

    Well it’s fits Mikey’s MO. He’s cowarding back because now he’s in the line of fire. Mikey is an attention whore and he was deprived of attention because there was going to be another special guest host. I wonder who that special host was. They shouldn’t have told him anything until the interview. LMFAO. I know it’s dishonest but he’s a coward. Mikey feels like nobody should question him about his beliefs and he was placed in a debate position and he ran away.

    Lonnie Walker
    Abilene, Texas

  16. Emily said

    I’m watching the Cotton Bowl Parade and Ballet Folklorico has a Michael Crook pinata!

  17. princemegajedi said

    I am positive he got no threatning email. He is a chicken and knew that Dave is anti mike and will make Mike look a bigger fool than Hannity and Colmes and Steve and DC did.

  18. emilyjanepearson said

    He pulled his retraction. I’m betting he begs out the second things start going the way they did on his earlier attempts. Some sort of technical problem, no doubt. What makes him think that he is any fitter now is beyond me. Anyone with the slightest skill at public debate will destroy him.

  19. lonniewalker said

    Yeah Emily,

    I’d be willing to bet a 5th grader could tear up Michael within seconds of the start of the debate.

    Lonnie Walker
    Abilene, Texas

  20. princemegajedi said

    well I contacted Dave. And I am sure Dave had Mike sign something before agreeing to go. I am sure Dave let him know he has to be on or renigging on contract is a sueable offence.

  21. emilyjanepearson said

    Oh, cool. That’s good news. I can’t wait. We’re talking totally deconstructed here.

  22. lonniewalker said

    I think we should all go to emily’s page and start planning an attack for Michael on emily’s rant page.

    Lonnie Walker
    Abilene, Texas

  23. lonniewalker said

    I’m going to have to disagree with Mikey having the IQ of garden salad. It’s my opinion that Garden Salad is smarter than Mikey. That statement shows prejudice against Garden Salad. LMFAO.

    Lonnie Walker
    Abilene, Texas

  24. lonniewalker said

    Hahaha, looks like the loser took his blog down again. He must be getting some heat, I wonder why?

    Lonnie Walker
    Abilene, Texas

  25. Emily said

    I think Mikey’s wife should divorce him on grounds of adultery. It’s
    the same time constraints as irreconcilable differences and would be
    ever so much more fun. He’s proud of the fact that he is an adulterer
    so there shouldn’t be any problems. If she would like any help with
    that, I volunteer.

  26. lonniewalker said

    Yes Emily I can see your point but it’s not like she’s going to get half of anything. Half of nothing equals nothing. LOL. Although it might scare of potential wives for Mikey if they knew he couldn’t keep it in his pants.


  27. lonniewalker said

    LMFAO, I have started viciously taunting Michael in my blog. He got a DUI so of course I feel no sympathy for him.


  28. emilyjanepearson said

    I doubt he got a DUI. He pulls shit like this all the time. See 2. above in the original article.

  29. princemegajedi said

    I am sure that is another of his lies. But someone screen shot it.

  30. emilyjanepearson said

    While he’s distracted with his “DUI” maybe a few thousand opportunities to DMCA people would be fun for him. It has to be time consuming to keep up with all the paperwork.

  31. lonniewalker said

    I’ve got a good question for ya’ll. Since Michael deleted his posts does that mean the posts are still copywrited? I mean if they aren’t still covered than we could post those as is right?


  32. emilyjanepearson said

    I doubt that he deleted them, just marked them private so they don’t show. You know Mike, he’s still got every turd he ever produced. As long as they exist in some readable format, not my “Photoshopped” versions though, they are his copyrighted work.

    If he did delete them, I could write the same words and they would be mine. That would really twist his knickers!

  33. lonniewalker said

    That’s what I was getting at Emily. LOL.


  34. emilyjanepearson said

    What we can’t really know, though, is if he actually erased every trace of them.

  35. princemegajedi said

    wouldn’t private also be at least showing the title. Just can’t read the article. And not all traces are gone. His “Only getting Tough work’s” has a mention still going.

  36. emilyjanepearson said

    Well, I see Mikey’s book has dropped to 66,093. that’s down about 6,000 from when I reviewed it last.

    Michael Crook: Still No Limit – The Long Awaited Book Review

    What that means is that Lulu has taken on 6,000 more titles, as I’m sure Crook’s book is dead last.

    He had better be spending his time working on his next failure if he intends to make the January 29 release date.

  37. lonniewalker said

    I think that’s probably why hasn’t been blogging lately is that he’s busy working on his book. Although, I’m sure his book will fail just like Mikey in most of his endeavors.


  38. princemegajedi said

    I think (if it happened) he may be working on his court case. I also reported him to Jessie Jackson for the comments he made on SRD. He may be a bit busy…lol.

  39. lonniewalker said

    LMFAO, great thinking Prince. If we can’t get him in trouble with the DA, we can sick Jessie Jackson on him. Hey let’s go one more step, pass his interview onto Al Sharpton. I think him talking to Al Sharpton would be hillarious.


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