The un-censored Crook discussions.

A haven for those that want to voice their opinions about Michael Crook without his editing.

Posts Tagged ‘Fort Drum’


Posted by josejump on November 22, 2007

Hey Crook, too bad you don’t have any family to visit on Thanksgiving… is that why you are attempting to torment other families? So what, you and your cow of a wife are going to stare at the walls of your Motel room? What’s for dinner? Is she going to be lying on the bed in her stretch pants and Winnie the Pooh T-Shirt, her fingers all coated with cheese from the off brand dollar store corn puffs, laughing like sloth from the goonies, as she watches Jerry Springer re-runs on television?

I imagine you will be hunkered over your keyboard trolling the Internet trying to find some unfortunate soul who has succumbed to a terrible accident. You might want to get a piece of toilet paper to wipe that crusty white stuff off the corners of your mouth, and slide your greasy hair to the side as you switch between porn and digging for attention getting stories.

I guess you have one thing to be thankful for this holiday. You can thank the good lord that your motel room has 2 locks on it…

You are getting more and more pathetic. You and the wife aught to go down to the local clinic so you can refill your meds.

To those who have lost family and friends this holiday season, I am sorry that you had to stumble on that miserable troll.  Take a look around here, and you can see what he is all about. Unfortunately the best he can do is repeat the same shtick over and over again, hoping to get attention. He hasn’t had an original though his whole life. He rehashes the same M.O. over and over again.  Expect more of the same from this scumbag of the highest order.

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Hate to say Michael Crook told anyone, anything!

Posted by josejump on October 16, 2007

Here is the beauty of Crooks argument about the money taxpayers spend on soldiers.

1. He himself tried to get into the army and bombed out. The original reaction was one of disappointment and sadness as he couldn’t serve his country. Once this was no longer convenient, it turned into him “lying to get out.”

Guess the pay was ok then….

2. This guy has as much integrity as John Kerry. To have a boxing match with a vet, to NOT having a boxing match. To meet face to face, to not meet face to face. This guy has been exposed so many times, you would think he would be arrested for indecency. He starts an anti-troops site, then when the pressure is on, he kills himself….not once, not twice, not three times, but FIVE separate times.  Sometimes apologies have followed, and then it is back on the other side of things when it seems more publicity is to be had.

3. $12,420 is what he projects a death benefit of this serviceman to be… In 2006, the average median household income was $48,201.  (Crook’s was probably closer to that of the death benefit.) that is roughly 1/4 of the median yearly wage as a benefit paid to the beneficiary of this serviceman.  Oh yeah… old Mikey has a leg to stand on here… not only does he not have a valid point, but there is a good chance that he hasn’t paid $12,420 in taxes in his lifetime.

Scholarly material here… let me make sure I am in line for his latest book. I need something to line the birdcage with.

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